PIX Boleto

The PIX Boleto is a feature of the PIX instant payment system developed by the Central Bank of Brazil. This functionality enables businesses to issue structured invoices to their customers quickly and efficiently.

How to Use PIX Boleto

  1. Invoice Generation:

    • To issue an invoice, use the API of our payment system.
    • The generated invoice will contain detailed information such as the amount, due date, and a description.
  2. Static or Dynamic QR Code:

    • Choose between generating a static QR code (ideal for fixed amounts) or a dynamic one (for variable amounts).
  3. Scheduled Due Date:

    • Set the due date of the invoice for better financial control.
  4. Notifications:

    • The payer will receive notifications about the invoice through the banking app, making it easy to track and pay.

Integration with the boleto service for generation of payment or deposit slips on accounts.
The billing flow includes pix charge generation, payment notification and data inquiry.

Prerequisites for implementation:

  • Have an account in the PIXX PAY Empresas app, and a PIX Key. For more information, access here.
  • Get your credentials. Contact us.
1ClientActionThe process begins when the client initiates it by accessing the web application.
2ClientActionClient selects the payment method "PIX."
3ClientCommunicationThe payment details are sent to the partner.
4PartnerCommunicationPartner receives the payment details.
5PartnerActionThe partner decides whether to create an Immediate or Due Date payment based on the received information.
6PartnerCommunicationA request is sent for the creation of a QR code.
7U4CCommunicationU4C receives the request.
8U4CActionInformation validation is performed, including checking if the client has a PIX key and verifying the request format.
9U4CActionAfter successful validations, the payment request is created.
10U4CCommunicationThe charge information is sent.
11PartnerCommunicationThe partner receives the payment information.
12PartnerActionThe partner decodes the payment information, which is encoded using base64.
13ClientActionThe QR code is displayed on the client's screen.
14ClientActionAfter confirming that the client has made the payment, the process continues.
15PartnerCommunicationThe payment is sent to the designated recipient.
16U4CCommunicationThe payment is received.
17U4CActionA callback is prepared to be sent to the URL provided by the client.
18U4CCommunicationThe callback is sent.
19PartnerCommunicationThe callback is received. The PIX IN process ends.