We simulate the BACEN rate limit system to each of our customers.

Read more about bacen rate limit: Rate limit

To preserve the stability of the service, U4C API operations are subject to request rate-limiting policies. Specifically, for the query link operation(search DICT Key), there is also a request limitation to prevent data scanning attacks. The algorithm used to implement the rate-limiting policies is the token bucket.

How it works in U4C

All of our customers have their own buckets defined by us when integrating.

A customer bucket is defined by how much of transaction he expect to have and how U4C is classified in Bacen.

In each PIX transfer(erp-withdraw), we provide an object called 'bucket' in the response body of the API.

    "actualTickets": 20,
    "bucketConfig": {
          "name": "Bucket Nader - Parker",
          "ticket": 25,
          "ticketSuccess": 2,
          "replenishmentPerMinute": 120,
          "ticketNotFound": 31,
          "typeBucket": "ACCOUNT",
          "description": null,
          "bucketId": "01190fde-44de-4efc-b274-fc0f9584186d",
          "createdAt": "2024-01-22T12:50:10.302Z",
          "updatedAt": "2024-01-23T10:40:20.192Z",
actualTicketsNumber of available tickets (Balance of tickets - tickets used).
bucketConfigCustomer's bucket configuration.
ticketMaximum number of tickets owned by the customer.
ticketSuccessNumber of tickets received per successful transaction.
replenishmentPerMinuteNumber of tickets received per minute (Max = ticket).
ticketNotFoundNumber of tickets lost per failed transaction.
typeBucketENUM = partner; customer; account
descriptionDescription of the bucket.
bucketIdIdentifier of the bucket.
createdAtDate and time when the bucket ID was created.
updatedAtDate and time of the last update to the bucket configuration.

How to consult my bucket in U4C

We provide an endpoint to check your bucket in realtime.

Check: https://developers.u4c.com.br/reference/get-buckets-info-by-customer-id