Enum and error list for the refund transfer endpoint. (/transfer/v2/erp-refund)

Error list:


Error CodeMessageStatus Code
CUSTOMER_NOT_FOUNDThe customer provided was not found, check it and try again.404
CUSTOMER_ID_REQUIREDA customer ID is required.400
CUSTOMER_BLOCKEDThe customer provided is blocked.403


Error CodeMessageStatus Code
PARTNER_ERP_TOKEN_PARAMETER_NOT_FOUNDThe ERP token parameter for the partner was not found.404
PARTNER_ERP_TOKEN_PARAMETER_INVALIDThe ERP token parameter provided for the partner is invalid.401
PARTNER_NOT_FOUNDThe partner was not found.404


Error CodeMessageStatus Code
PIX_TRANSFER_INVALID_PARAMETEROne or more parameters provided for the Pix transfer are invalid.400
PIX_TRANSFER_ID_NOT_FOUNDThe Pix transfer ID provided was not found.404
PIX_TRANSFER_END_TO_END_NOT_FOUNDThe Pix transfer ID provided was not found.404
PIX_TRANSFER_INTERNAL_ERRORError on processing Pix transfer.500


NameMessageStatus Code
PIX_REFUND_TRANSACTION_NOT_FOUNDThe Pix refund was not found check pix transaction id.404
PIX_REFUND_INTERNAL_ERRORError on processing Pix refund.500
PIX_REFUND_INVALID_PAYLOADOne or more parameters provided for the Pix refund are invalid check payload.400
PIX_REFUND_PERIOD_EXPIREDThe Pix refund period has expired, Transaction exceeds the maximum period for refunding payment instantaneous regulated by the Pix arrangement.400
PIX_REFUND_TRANSACTION_AMOUNT_INVALIDThe amount for the Pix refund transaction is invalid.400
PIX_REFUND_TRANSACTION_AMOUNT_MINThe amount for the Pix refund transaction is invalid.400
PIX_REFUND_ORIGINAL_END_TO_END_NOT_FOUNDThe original end to end ID for the Pix refund transaction was not found.404
PIX_REFUND_ORIGINAL_END_TO_END_INVALIDThe original end to end ID for the Pix refund transaction is invalid.400
PIX_REFUND_AMOUNT_EXCEEDS_ORIGINAL_PAYMENTReturn of payment in an amount that exceeds the value of the order corresponding instant payment.412
PIX_REFUND_AMOUNT_EXCEEDS_LEFT_AMOUNTThe amount for the Pix refund transaction exceeds the left amount.412
PIX_REFUND_ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDSNot enough funds for the Pix refund transaction.412
PIX_REFUND_EXTERNAL_ERRORAn error occurred while communicating with the external system BACEN.503
PIX_REFUND_INSTANT_PAYMENT_TYPE_REFUND_NOT_ALLOWEDIt is not permitted to make a refund of a pix refund.400
PIX_REFUND_AMOUNT_INVALIDThe amount for PIX refund is invalid.400