Enum and error list for the pix charge endpoint. (/pix/transfer/v2/erp-withdraw)


In the response you can have these type of enums for this endpoint.

pixTransactionStatus enum

pendingThe transaction is pending to be registered in bacen.
failThe transaction failed; The transaction is reversed.
successThe transaction is successful.
waitingThe transaction has been registered with the central bank, however it is awaiting the web hook from the central bank.

Pix Transaction Type

creditDeposit transaction
debitWithdraw transaction

Error list


Error CodeMessageStatus Code
CUSTOMER_NOT_FOUNDThe customer provided was not found, check it and try again.404
CUSTOMER_ID_REQUIREDA customer ID is required.400
CUSTOMER_BLOCKEDThe customer provided is blocked.403


Error CodeMessageStatus Code
PARTNER_ERP_TOKEN_PARAMETER_NOT_FOUNDThe ERP token parameter for the partner was not found.404
PARTNER_ERP_TOKEN_PARAMETER_INVALIDThe ERP token parameter provided for the partner is invalid.401
PARTNER_NOT_FOUNDThe partner was not found.404


Error CodeMessageStatus Code
PIX_TRANSFER_INVALID_PARAMETEROne or more parameters provided for the Pix transfer are invalid.400
PIX_TRANSFER_ID_NOT_FOUNDThe Pix transfer ID provided was not found.404
PIX_TRANSFER_END_TO_END_NOT_FOUNDThe Pix transfer ID provided was not found.404
PIX_TRANSFER_INTERNAL_ERRORError on processing Pix transfer.500


Error CodeMessageStatus Code
PIX_WITHDRAW_ISPB_NOT_FOUNDISPB for PIX withdrawal not found.404
PIX_WITHDRAW_INTERNAL_ERRORInternal error during PIX withdrawal.500
PIX_WITHDRAW_DICT_KEY_INVALIDDICT key for PIX withdrawal is invalid.400
PIX_WITHDRAW_DICT_KEY_REQUIREDDICT key is required for PIX withdrawal.400
PIX_WITHDRAW_DICT_KEY_NOT_FOUNDDICT key for PIX withdrawal not found.404
PIX_WITHDRAW_EXTERNAL_ID_INVALIDExternal ID for PIX withdrawal is invalid.400
PIX_WITHDRAW_EXTERNAL_ID_REQUIREDExternal ID is required for PIX withdrawal.400
PIX_WITHDRAW_EXTERNAL_ID_NOT_FOUNDExternal ID for PIX withdrawal not found.404
PIX_WITHDRAW_EXTERNAL_ID_DUPLICATEDThe external ID for PIX withdrawal is already in use.409
PIX_WITHDRAW_ACCOUNT_NUMBER_NOT_FOUNDAccount number for PIX withdrawal not found.404
PIX_WITHDRAW_ACCOUNT_NUMBER_REQUIREDAccount number is required for PIX withdrawal.400
PIX_WITHDRAW_ACCOUNT_NUMBER_BLOCKEDAccount number for PIX withdrawal is blocked.403
PIX_WITHDRAW_ACCOUNT_NUMBER_NOT_ALLOWEDAccount number for PIX withdrawal is not allowed.403
PIX_WITHDRAW_ACCOUNT_NUMBER_INVALIDAccount number for PIX withdrawal is invalid.400
PIX_WITHDRAW_ACCOUNT_NUMBER_LOCKEDAccount number for PIX withdrawal is locked.403
PIX_WITHDRAW_AMOUNT_REQUIREDAmount is required for PIX withdrawal.400
PIX_WITHDRAW_AMOUNT_INVALIDThe amount for PIX withdrawal is invalid.400
PIX_WITHDRAW_MIN_AMOUNT_INVALIDThe minimum amount for PIX withdrawal is invalid.400
PIX_WITHDRAW_MAX_AMOUNT_INVALIDThe maximum amount for PIX withdrawal is invalid.400


Error CodeMessageStatus Code
ACCOUNT_NUMBER_NOT_FOUNDThe account number provided was not found.404
ACCOUNT_CREATION_FAILEDFailed to create the pix account.500


Error CodeMessageStatus Code
DICT_KEY_NOT_ACTIVEThe DICT key provided is not active.400
ADDRESSING_KEY_NOT_FOUNDThe DICT key provided doesn't exist400
PIX_WITHDRAW_TAX_ID_INVALIDDICT key does not belong to the tax id informed400
DICT_KEY_BACEN_TIME_OUTProcessing the request in DICT took longer than expected. Try again please408


Error CodeMessageStatus Code
SPI_EXTERNAL_ERRORAn error occurred while communicating with the SPI external system.503
BUCKET_MAX_SIZE_EXCEEDEDToo many wrong DICT key consults. Try again in 1 minute429
RATE_LIMITEDThe user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time wait 1 minute and try again429


AB03Settlement of the interrupted transaction due to timeout in the SPI.
AB09Transaction interrupted due to error in the receiving user participant.
AB11Timeout of the participant issuing the payment order.
AC03Agency Number and/or Transactional Account of the Nonexistent or Invalid Receiver User.
AC06Receiving user transactional account is blocked.
AC07Receiving user transactional account number.
AC14Incorrect type for the receiving user transaction account.
AG03Type of transaction is not supported/authorized in the receiving user transaction account. Example: Transfer to Salary Account.
AG12Payment/return order is not allowed in SPI whose resources are transferred from one transaction account to another in the same participating institution or among participants who use the settlement service of the same liquidating participant in the SPI (Booktransfer).
AG13It is not allowed to return the return of an instant payment.
AGNTDirect participant is not liquidator of the payer user participant.
AM01Instant payment order with zero value.
AM02Payment Order/Return in amount that makes the limit allowed for the type of credited transaction account.
AM04Insufficient balance in the PI account of the payer user participant.
AM09Return of payment in amount that surpasses the amount of the corresponding instant payment order.
AM12Divergence between the sum of the block values‘ValueDateAdoDinheiroThe Compraa’ and the field ‘Valor’.
AM18Amount of invalid transactions.
BE01CPF/CNPJ of the receiving user is not consistent with the specified transaction account holder.
BE05CNPJ of the payment initiator is not registered in the PIX arrangement.
BE17QR code rejected by the receiving user participant.
CH11CPF/CNPJ of the incorrect receiver user.
CH16Filling in the content of the incorrect message or incompatible with the business rules.
DS04Order rejected by the receiving user participant.
DS0GParticipant who signed the message is not authorized to perform the operation in the debited PI account. In the event that the participant who signed the message is not the holder of the PI account debited nor is the liquidator in the PAID USER participant SPI.
DS24Order rejected by extrapolation of the time elapsed between the shipping of PAIN.013 and the receipt of PACS.008 corresponding by the receiving user participant.
DS27Participant is not registered or has not started the operation in the SPI.
DT02Date and Time of Shipping the Invalid Message
DT05Transaction goes beyond the maximum deadline for return of instant payment regulated by the Pix arrangement.
ED05Instant payment processing error (generic error).
FF07Inconsistency between the purpose of the transaction and the filling of the block Elements Structured .
FF08Mal formatted operation identifier.
MD01ISPB of the participant service facilitator pix withdrawal or pix existent change.
RC09ISPB of the invalid or nonexistent payer user participant.
RC10ISPB of the invalid or nonexistent receiver participant.
RR04Payment order in which the payer user is sanctioned by resolution of the United Nations Security Council (CSNU). In cases where the receiving user is sanctioned, the payment order should not be rejected.
SL02The original transaction is not related to the pix or pix exchange service.