Introduction to the PIX Cashout (PIX OUT) transaction.


For the security of this process, the source IP of the requests for configuring the access rule for the same must be provided.

Prerequisites for implementation:

  • Have an account in the PIXX PAY Empresas app, and a PIX Key. For more information, access here.
  • Get your credentials. Contact us.
1ClientActionThe process begins when the client initiates it by accessing the web application.
2ClientActionClient selects to receive funds using "PIX."
3ClientCommunicationTransfer information is sent to the partner.
4PartnerCommunicationPartner receives the transfer details.
5PartnerActionThe partner creates the transfer.
6PartnerCommunicationA request is sent for the creation of the transfer.
7U4CCommunicationU4C receives the request.
8U4CActionInformation validation is performed, including checking if the client has a PIX key and verifying the request format.
9U4CActionAfter successful validations, the transfer is created.
10U4CCommunicationTransfer is sent.
11ClientCommunicationThe client receives the transfer.
12ClientActionThe transfer is completed.
13U4CActionOnce the payment is completed, a callback is generated to be sent to the client's URL.
14U4CCommunicationThe callback is sent.
15ClientCommunicationThe callback is received by the partner.