U4C - Magento 2


  • PHP 7.x.x or higher
  • MySQL 5.6.x or higher
  • cURL enabled for PHP
  • SSL Certificate
  • Magento 2.4.x or higher


It is possible to install the U4C module for Magento 2 through the link .zip.

  • Download .zip
  • Go inside the Magento app/code folder
  • Copy all the however from the src folder you just downloaded, into Magento's app/code
  • The path will look like this: app/code/U4C/PaymentMethod
  • In the root directory, update available Magento modules

    bin/magento setup:upgrade ;
    bin/magento setup:di:co

  • The U4C_PaymentMethod module should be displayed in the Magento module list

    bin/magento module:status


Module Configuration

  • In the Magento admin panel, go to Stores > Configuration > Sales > Payment Methods
  • Click on U4C Payment Method
  • Configure the module with the information provided by U4C
  • Click on Save Config
  • Clear Magento caches

    bin/magento cache:clean ; bin/magento cache:flush

  • On the checkout screen, the payment option U4C Payment Method must be available to choose from