Enum and error list for the pix charge endpoint. (/pix/brcode/erp/v2/dynamic/immediate)


In the responseyou can have these type of enums for this endpoint.

pixChargeStatus enum

pendingThe QRCode is pending of payment.
paidThe QRCode is paid.
expiredThe QRCode is expired; Cannot be paid anymore.

pixChargeQrCodeType enum

immediateInstantly confirm the transaction
billingDueDateThe charge is generated with a payment deadline, with the option of interest and discount rules.

pixTransactionStatus enum

pendingThe transaction is pending to be registered in bacen.
failThe transaction failed; The transaction is reversed.
successThe transaction is successful.
waitingThe transaction has been registered with the central bank, however it is awaiting the web hook from the central bank.
rejectThe transaction has been rejected by the central bank because of any problem with the transaction. (EG: Timeout)

Error list:


Error CodeMessageStatus Code
CUSTOMER_NOT_FOUNDThe customer provided was not found, check it and try again.404
CUSTOMER_ID_REQUIREDA customer ID is required.400
CUSTOMER_BLOCKEDThe customer provided is blocked.403


Error CodeMessageStatus Code
PARTNER_ERP_TOKEN_PARAMETER_NOT_FOUNDThe ERP token parameter for the partner was not found.404
PARTNER_ERP_TOKEN_PARAMETER_INVALIDThe ERP token parameter provided for the partner is invalid.401
PARTNER_NOT_FOUNDThe partner was not found.404


Error CodeMessageStatus Code
PIX_CHARGE_INVALID_PARAMETEROne or more parameters provided for the Pix charge are invalid.400
PIX_CHARGE_ID_NOT_FOUNDThe Pix charge ID provided was not found.404
PIX_CHARGE_INTERNAL_ERRORError on generating Dynamic QRCode Immediate.500

qrCodeErrors (Validation)

Error CodeMessageStatus Code
QRCODE_DICT_KEY_NOT_FOUNDQR code dictionary key not found.404
QRCODE_DICT_KEY_INVALIDQR code dictionary key is invalid.400
QRCODE_CITY_NOT_FOUNDQR code city not found.404
QRCODE_CITY_INVALIDQR code city is invalid.400
QRCODE_CUSTOMER_ID_INVALIDThe customer ID provided in the QR code is invalid400
QRCODE_ZIP_CODE_NOT_FOUNDQR code ZIP code not found.404
QRCODE_ZIP_CODE_INVALIDQR code ZIP code is invalid.400
QRCODE_EXPIRATION_INVALIDQR code expiration is invalid.400
QRCODE_EXPIRATION_REQUIREDQR code expiration is required.400
QRCODE_EXTERNAL_ID_REQUIREDExternal ID is required for the QR code.400
QRCODE_EXTERNAL_ID_INVALIDThe external ID provided for the QR code is invalid.400
QRCODE_EXTERNAL_ID_DUPLICATEDThe external ID provided for the QR code is already in use.409
QRCODE_AMOUNT_REQUIREDAmount is required for the QR code.400
QRCODE_AMOUNT_INVALIDThe amount provided for the QR code is invalid.400
QRCODE_MIN_AMOUNT_INVALIDThe minimum amount for the QR code is invalid.400
QRCODE_DESCRIPTION_INVALIDQR code description is invalid.400
QRCODE_DESCRIPTION_MAX_LENGTHQR code description exceeds maximum length.400
QRCODE_TAX_ID_NOT_FOUNDTax ID for QR code not found.404
QRCODE_TAX_ID_INVALIDThe tax ID for the QR code is invalid.400
QRCODE_TAX_ID_NOT_ALLOWEDThe tax ID provided for the QR code is not allowed.403
QRCODE_TAX_ID_REQUIREDTax ID is required for the QR code.400
QRCODE_PAYER_REQUEST_INFORMATION_INVALIDPayer request information for the QR code is invalid.400
QRCODE_PAYER_REQUEST_INFORMATION_LENGTHPayer request information for the QR code exceeds maximum length.400
QRCODE_RESTRICT_PAYERS_TAX_ID_INVALIDThe tax ID of restrict payers provided in the QR code is invalid.400
QRCODE_INVALID_FORMATQR code has an invalid format.400
QRCODE_INVALID_PAYLOADQR code payload is invalid.400
QRCODE_INVALID_IMMEDIATE_PAYLOADImmediate payload for QR code is invalid.400
QRCODE_RECEIVER_INFORMATION_INVALIDThe receiver information provided is invalid400
QRCODE_ADDITIONAL_DATA_FIELD_INVALIDAdditional data field for QR code is invalid.400
QRCODE_TAX_ID_NOT_ALLOWED_PAYMENTTax ID not allowed for QR code payment.403
QRCODE_NAME_INVALIDName for QR code is invalid.400
QRCODE_EXPIRATIONQR code expiration error.400

SPI Errors

INITIATION_FORM_INVALIDDe acordo com os retornos de erros da JDPI paragrafo 8.7400