Getting Started

This amazing plugin provides direct access to ITP (Payment Initiator via OpenFinance) operations within the WordPress WooCommerce platform. Now you can offer your customers the most modern, safe and fast payment method available on the market.
Payment Initiation becomes a solution that further simplifies the payment process via Pix, reducing payment time by up to 50% and significantly increasing the purchase conversion rate. With ITP solutions, the online shopping experience is noticeably improved. While the traditional process of "copying and pasting" Pix information can take more than 1 minute, now this can be reduced to just 30 seconds with ITP. In addition, you can receive payments directly into your account through the user's banking application, performing a simplified PIX operation.

Main benefits

  • Speed ​​up the payment process via Pix.
  • Increase your purchase conversion rate.
  • Reduce payment time significantly.
  • Offer your customers the option to "Pay with Bank Balance" at checkout.
  • Secure integration with the API of U4C Instituição de Pagamento S/A, a company authorized by the
  • Central Bank for ITP operations.


Installation Step by Step: Complete the registration and get your necessary production keys to use the plugin.

  • Go to our website to register.
  • Our team will contact you to provide you with the necessary information.
  • After accepting our terms you will receive the keys to use the plugin in production.
  • Okay, now all you have to do is configure it on your website's dashboard. In WooCommerce checkout, your customers will now have the option to "Pay with Bank Balance" thanks to PixxPay ITP.



Access the link below, register for free and get more information:


Any questions or problems? Contact our support via email: [email protected] or visit our website: