This route allows cash-out operation using a PIX key or MANUAL(Directly into the bank account).

Case initiationType="MANUAL"

customerId: string;  
externalId: string;//uuid  
initiationType: "MANUAL"  
transfer: {  
  branch: Joi.string().trim().required(),  
  accountNumber: string;  
  taxId: string;  
  accountType: "CACC" | "SLRY" | "SVGS" | "TRAN"  
  ispb: string;  
  name: string;  
  value: number;  
	description?: string; //optional

Case initiationType ="DICT"

customerId: string;
externalId: string; //uuid
initiationType: "DICT"
transfer: {
  key: string;
  keyType: 'CPF' | 'CNPJ' | 'EMAIL' | 'PHONE' | 'EVP'
  taxId: string;
  value: number;
  description?: string; //optional



Due accounts must be registered in Bacen for payments in hml/dev, we only accept the following isbp and account type.

transfer{ isbp: 99999004' accountType = "TRAN"}

In addition, the branch and account number must be linked to a valid CPF/CNPJ.

Error Handling

If an error occurs in the request, one of the following error codes related in the error table will be returned:
400; 401; 403; 404; 405; 408; 409; 500; 502;

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!