The most common errors using our PIX API.


Error CodeMessageStatus Code
CUSTOMER_NOT_FOUNDThe customer provided was not found, check it and try again.404
CUSTOMER_ID_REQUIREDA customer ID is required.400
CUSTOMER_BLOCKEDThe customer provided is blocked.403


Error CodeMessageStatus Code
PARTNER_ERP_TOKEN_PARAMETER_NOT_FOUNDThe ERP token parameter for the partner was not found.404
PARTNER_ERP_TOKEN_PARAMETER_INVALIDThe ERP token parameter provided for the partner is invalid.401
PARTNER_NOT_FOUNDThe partner was not found.404


Error CodeMessageStatus Code
CNPJ_VALIDATEDCNPJ validated but not yet approved.403
CNPJ_NOT_VALIDATEDCNPJ not validated.400
PJ_DENIEDPJ register refused.403
PARTNER_PJ_NOT_FOUNDPartner accept PJ param not found.404
BUSINESS_APP_NOT_FOUNDBusiness application was not found, check the CNPJ provided and try again.404
CPF_HAS_NO_LINK_WITH_CNPJThe CPF and CNPJ provided have no link.403


Error CodeMessageStatus Code
PIX_CHARGE_INVALID_PARAMETEROne or more parameters provided for the Pix charge are invalid.400
PIX_CHARGE_ID_NOT_FOUNDThe Pix charge ID provided was not found.404
PIX_CHARGE_INTERNAL_ERRORError on generating Dynamic QRCode Immediate.50


Error CodeMessageStatus Code
PIX_TRANSFER_INVALID_PARAMETEROne or more parameters provided for the Pix transfer are invalid.400
PIX_TRANSFER_ID_NOT_FOUNDThe Pix transfer ID provided was not found.404
PIX_TRANSFER_END_TO_END_NOT_FOUNDThe Pix transfer ID provided was not found.404
PIX_TRANSFER_INTERNAL_ERRORError on processing Pix transfer.500

qrCodeErrors (Validation)

Error CodeMessageStatus Code
QRCODE_DICT_KEY_NOT_FOUNDQR code dictionary key not found.404
QRCODE_DICT_KEY_INVALIDQR code dictionary key is invalid.400
QRCODE_CITY_NOT_FOUNDQR code city not found.404
QRCODE_CITY_INVALIDQR code city is invalid.400
QRCODE_CUSTOMER_ID_INVALIDThe customer ID provided in the QR code is invalid400
QRCODE_ZIP_CODE_NOT_FOUNDQR code ZIP code not found.404
QRCODE_ZIP_CODE_INVALIDQR code ZIP code is invalid.400
QRCODE_EXPIRATION_INVALIDQR code expiration is invalid.400
QRCODE_EXPIRATION_REQUIREDQR code expiration is required.400
QRCODE_EXTERNAL_ID_REQUIREDExternal ID is required for the QR code.400
QRCODE_EXTERNAL_ID_INVALIDThe external ID provided for the QR code is invalid.400
QRCODE_EXTERNAL_ID_DUPLICATEDThe external ID provided for the QR code is already in use.409
QRCODE_AMOUNT_REQUIREDAmount is required for the QR code.400
QRCODE_AMOUNT_INVALIDThe amount provided for the QR code is invalid.400
QRCODE_MIN_AMOUNT_INVALIDThe minimum amount for the QR code is invalid.400
QRCODE_DESCRIPTION_INVALIDQR code description is invalid.400
QRCODE_DESCRIPTION_MAX_LENGTHQR code description exceeds maximum length.400
QRCODE_TAX_ID_NOT_FOUNDTax ID for QR code not found.404
QRCODE_TAX_ID_INVALIDThe tax ID for the QR code is invalid.400
QRCODE_TAX_ID_NOT_ALLOWEDThe tax ID provided for the QR code is not allowed.403
QRCODE_TAX_ID_REQUIREDTax ID is required for the QR code.400
QRCODE_PAYER_REQUEST_INFORMATION_INVALIDPayer request information for the QR code is invalid.400
QRCODE_PAYER_REQUEST_INFORMATION_LENGTHPayer request information for the QR code exceeds maximum length.400
QRCODE_RESTRICT_PAYERS_TAX_ID_INVALIDThe tax ID of restrict payers provided in the QR code is invalid.400
QRCODE_INVALID_FORMATQR code has an invalid format.400
QRCODE_INVALID_PAYLOADQR code payload is invalid.400
QRCODE_INVALID_IMMEDIATE_PAYLOADImmediate payload for QR code is invalid.400
QRCODE_RECEIVER_INFORMATION_INVALIDThe receiver information provided is invalid400
QRCODE_ADDITIONAL_DATA_FIELD_INVALIDAdditional data field for QR code is invalid.400
QRCODE_TAX_ID_NOT_ALLOWED_PAYMENTTax ID not allowed for QR code payment.403
QRCODE_NAME_INVALIDName for QR code is invalid.400
QRCODE_EXPIRATIONQR code expiration error.400


Error CodeMessageStatus Code
PIX_WITHDRAW_ISPB_NOT_FOUNDISPB for PIX withdrawal not found.404
PIX_WITHDRAW_INTERNAL_ERRORInternal error during PIX withdrawal.500
PIX_WITHDRAW_DICT_KEY_INVALIDDICT key for PIX withdrawal is invalid.400
PIX_WITHDRAW_DICT_KEY_REQUIREDDICT key is required for PIX withdrawal.400
PIX_WITHDRAW_DICT_KEY_NOT_FOUNDDICT key for PIX withdrawal not found.404
PIX_WITHDRAW_EXTERNAL_ID_INVALIDExternal ID for PIX withdrawal is invalid.400
PIX_WITHDRAW_EXTERNAL_ID_REQUIREDExternal ID is required for PIX withdrawal.400
PIX_WITHDRAW_EXTERNAL_ID_NOT_FOUNDExternal ID for PIX withdrawal not found.404
PIX_WITHDRAW_EXTERNAL_ID_DUPLICATEDThe external ID for PIX withdrawal is already in use.409
PIX_WITHDRAW_ACCOUNT_NUMBER_NOT_FOUNDAccount number for PIX withdrawal not found.404
PIX_WITHDRAW_ACCOUNT_NUMBER_REQUIREDAccount number is required for PIX withdrawal.400
PIX_WITHDRAW_ACCOUNT_NUMBER_BLOCKEDAccount number for PIX withdrawal is blocked.403
PIX_WITHDRAW_ACCOUNT_NUMBER_NOT_ALLOWEDAccount number for PIX withdrawal is not allowed.403
PIX_WITHDRAW_ACCOUNT_NUMBER_INVALIDAccount number for PIX withdrawal is invalid.400
PIX_WITHDRAW_ACCOUNT_NUMBER_LOCKEDAccount number for PIX withdrawal is locked.403
PIX_WITHDRAW_AMOUNT_REQUIREDAmount is required for PIX withdrawal.400
PIX_WITHDRAW_AMOUNT_INVALIDThe amount for PIX withdrawal is invalid.400
PIX_WITHDRAW_MIN_AMOUNT_INVALIDThe minimum amount for PIX withdrawal is invalid.400
PIX_WITHDRAW_MAX_AMOUNT_INVALIDThe maximum amount for PIX withdrawal is invalid.400


Error CodeMessageStatus Code
ACCOUNT_NUMBER_NOT_FOUNDThe account number provided was not found.404
ACCOUNT_CREATION_FAILEDFailed to create the pix account.500


Error CodeMessageStatus Code
DICT_KEY_NOT_ACTIVEThe DICT key provided is not active.400


Error CodeMessageStatus Code
SPI_EXTERNAL_ERRORAn error occurred while communicating with the SPI external system.503