API Reference: PIX QR Code Immediate

Currently, in U4C PIX, we have two ways to make a cash-in (deposit money into your U4C account):

  • Immediate Dynamic QR Code Generation
  • PIX Transfer

Immediate Dynamic QR Code

What is it?

It encodes transaction and Pix key data into a QR Code, allowing the payer to complete the transaction by simply scanning the code in their financial institution's app.

Business Rules:

  • Each Dynamic QR Code can be paid only once.
  • After the QR Code expires, it cannot be paid anymore.
  • The account generating the QR Code must have a PIX key.


  • Generate the QR Code image (in base64) or PIX Copy and Paste (Default: Payload).
  • Set an expiration time in seconds (Required).
  • Set the value of the QR Code (Required).
  • Define any request to the payer (Optional).
  • Present additional information to the payer (Optional).
  • Restrict the payer to specific CPFs or CNPJs (Optional).
  • Define receiver information (Optional).
  • Define payer information (Optional).
customerIdClient unique identifier in U4C.
externalIdExternal identifier for additional reference or tracking.
payerRequestInformationInformation related to the payer's request.
formatFormat of the generated PIX code, set to "IMAGE_AND_PAYLOAD" || "PAYLOAD".
IMAGE AND PAYLOAD = Generates the QR Code IMAGE in base 64.
PAYLOAD = Only generates the "PIX COPIA e COLA"
additionalInformationAdditional information in the form of an array of key-value pairs. Each element contains a name and content.
immediateObject containing details for immediate payment.
- expirationExpiration time for the PIX code in seconds.
- payerInformationInformation about the payer, including name and CPF/CNPJ.
- paymentValueDetails about the payment value, including documentValue and whether to show it in the QR code.
- receiverInformationInformation about the receiver, including category code, city IBGE, and zipcode.
- restrictPayersRestrictions on specific payers, including name and CPF/CNPJ.

Example Curl:

curl --location 'https://pix.u4c-baas.com/pix/brcode/erp/v2/dynamic/immediate' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--header 'partner: 20c0d057-a1f0-4c2d-b680-509a9aaab467' \
--header 'token: f67ec3fd-7536-406d-b939-bdeaf877480b' \
--data '{  
    "format": "PAYLOAD",
    "payerRequestInformation": "TEST PAYLOAD",
    "customerId":  "{{yourCustomerId}}",
    "externalId": "{{yourExternalId}}",
    "immediate": {
        "payerInformation": {
            "name": "Portuga Andre",
            "cpfCnpj": "yourPayerCPF" 
        "expiration": 3600,
        "paymentValue": {
            "documentValue": "0.1"
        "receiverInformation": {
            "categoryCode": "2000",
            "zipcode": "86055860",
            "cityIbge": "3550308"
           "cpfCnpj": ["yourPayerCPF"]

    "additionalInformation": [
            "name": "key",
            "content": "0adb:db39:b43b:6a01:c7b1:78b9:23e7:1276"
            "name": "site",
            "content": "ryley.com"
            "name": "city",
            "content": "Port Icieton"